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Yankee Springs

The Mission

Yankee Springs Township is one of the few areas in West Michigan that has residents who are currently unserved by a library. This is because townships within a library's service area usually contribute to fund the library through property taxes and penal fines, but "unserved" areas do not so they do not have regular access to any library.



To help provide more access to residents of this unserved area, Henika District Library would like to add the 34% of Yankee Springs Township Residents who reside within the boundaries Wayland School District to our library district, which includes roughly, 1,800 residents.

Info Nights

  • Monday, May 23rd at 6pm at Henika District Library


  • Thursday, June 30th at 7pm at Yankee Springs Town Hall


  • Tuesday, July 26th at 7pm at Yankee Springs Town Hall

Steps to Make it Happen

According to Michigan District Library Law, these are the steps to make it happen:


  • Yankee Springs Township Board adopts a resolution for Yankee Springs Township residents living in Wayland School District to join the Henika Library District

    • COMPLETED 12/01/2019​


  • Henika Library Board adopts a resolution approving of Yankee Springs Township residents living in Wayland School District to join the Henika Library District

    • COMPLETED 01/09/2020​


  • An amendment to the Henika District Library Agreement is drawn up by the library's attorney

    • COMPLETED 03/11/2022​


  • Wayland Township authorizes and signs the amendment​​

    • COMPLETED 3/14/2022​


  • City of Wayland authorizes and signs the amendment​​

    • COMPLETED 4/7/2022


  • Henika District Library signs the amendment​​

    • COMPLETED 4/12/2022


  • Yankee Springs Township signs the amendment​​

    • COMPLETED 4/14/2022


  • Library of Michigan approves the amendment​​

    • COMPLETED 4/29/2022


  • Residents approve of the library's millage at the August 2nd, 2022 election​​

    • FAILED 8/2/2022

The Millage

Municipalities within a library's service area usually contribute to fund the library through a millage. A millage is a maximum rate at which property taxes are levied on a certain property to fund a specific cause or service in an area. The library has a millage of 1.5 mills, but some years we levee less. For example, in 2022, we only levied 1.3554 mills.



A mill is 1/1000 of a dollar, or 1/10 of a penny. This rate is multiplied by the the taxable value of the property.



Taxable Value of Your Home  X   0.0015   =   The absolute most you would contribute a year



The taxable value is about half the market value of a property. Let's say the market value of your home is $175,000, then the taxable value is $87,500. From there, you multiply that taxable value by the millage rate, in this case $87,000 x 0.0015, which comes out to about $131 for the year. That is the absolute most you would pay for the year, but it might even be less if the library doesn't levee the full amount. For instance, the library is only expecting to levy 1.3511 for 2023, so the contribution for that year will only be $118.


If the millage passes, the expected income from millage levied in the library's service area for 2023 is as follows:


  • Wayland City - $178,000

  • Wayland Township - $205,000

  • Yankee Springs Township - $195,000

What Henika Has To Offer

Being a part of Henika District Library means the world is at your fingertips! Our library is located in Wayland, but we are also a member of the Lakeland Library Cooperative, which includes 41 other public libraries within West Michigan. Additionally, we participate in the MeLCat statewide catalog, which means millions of items are at your fingertips. 


Our library offers a range of services, so there's something for everyone! We have public computers, a seed library, programs for all ages, e-materials, and a special collection featuring Kindles, mobile hotspots,  gaming consoles, Chromebooks, video cameras, a GoPro, power tools, and a children's museum pass. Printing, copying, and faxing is also available.

Non-Resident Cards

As of right now (and if the millage doesn't pass) the only options for Yankee Springs Residents wanting to use Henika District Library is through a non-resident card. Non-Resident Cards can be purchased at the circulation desk, but do NOT offer full access.



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